How To Clean The Fabric Sofa Bed?

How To Clean The Fabric Sofa Bed


  1. Preparation For The Cleaning Process
  2. Step-By-Step Cleaning Process
  3. How To Clean The Sofa Bed’s Mattress?
  4. Some Quick Fabric Sofa Bed Maintenance Tips Are
  5. Closing Notes

Whether you prefer it or not, dust and allergens love to settle into fabric. So when you sit on your fabric sofa bed, you start sneezing or experiencing funky smells. A little spill here and there can make the sofa look shabby.

But these things are so common, right? And in fact, they are unavoidable, too, for the most part. Since dust and allergens aren't going to disappear on their own, and no one wants to sleep on something that smells foul, it's best to take action.

So regular cleaning is crucial, not just to make your fabric sofa bed look sharp and clean. But make sure it's fresh and comfy when you lounge on it or take a nap on the bed.

If you are wondering how to clean your fabric sofa bed, this blog can help. Keep reading to learn how to clean the sofa bed.

Preparation For The Cleaning Process

Preparation For The Cleaning Process

Cleaning a leather sofa bed is different from cleaning a fabric one. Not only do the methods change, but the supplies also do. So, as the first step, gather the supplies needed to clean the fabric sofa bed.

  • Vacuum cleaner with upholstery attachment: This can be your best friend who can help remove crumbs, dust, and pet hair from all the nooks and corners. Here, the upholstery attachment is usually gentle on fabric but also tough on dirt. Don't worry if your vacuum doesn't have an attachment. You can use alternatives, such as a soft brush attachment or a handheld vacuum with a smaller nozzle.
  • A soft-bristle brush to loosen up any dirt or debris stuck in the fabric.
  • Mild fabric cleaner or homemade solution. If you aren't into chemical cleaners, go for homemade cleaners.
  • Microfiber cloths are important for blotting stains and wiping down surfaces without leaving lint behind.
  • Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that's safe for most fabrics. If your fabric sofa is foul-smelling, add this to the list.

Check The Care Label

Before you start with the process, take a moment to locate the care label on your sofa bed. This little tag is like the secret code to keeping your sofa in top shape.

Meaning? Not every fabric is okay with being treated with water. So, the care label will tell what kind of fabric can be treated with what. For instance, some fabrics can handle water-based cleaners, while others might need to be dry-cleaned only.

The label will also give you specific cleaning instructions, like whether you can use water or if you should avoid certain chemicals.

  • W denotes that the fabric can be cleaned using a water-based cleaner.
  • S stands for solvent cleaner only.
  • W/S means the fabric sofa can be cleaned using both
  • X indicates the fabric can only be vacuumed.

Step-By-Step Process To Clean Fabric Sofa Bed

1. Start With Vacuuming The Sofa Bed

Start With Vacuuming The Sofa Bed

Getting rid of the dust and dirt that have accumulated on the fabric sofa bed's surface is the first step in the cleaning process.

So, consider using a vacuum cleaner that comes with an upholstery attachment. This extra piece plays a big role in getting into the corners of the sofa, where dirt hides for the most part.

If you only have a regular vacuum with the hose, no worries. Use a small brush that can go to these places. The goal here is to suck up all the loose debris and dirt.

Some Extra Tips To Remember Here:

Start vacuuming with the easy parts, such as the flat surfaces such as the seat, back, and armrests. Then, go over these areas a couple of times to get all the dust and crumbs out.

Don't forget the tricky spots, such as seams and crevices. If your sofa has removable cushions, remove them and vacuum underneath.

2. It's Time To Work On The Stains

It's Time To Work On The Stains

After cleaning up the debris and dirt, it's time to roll up your sleeves and tackle those stains.

To Treat A Freshly Stained Area:

  • If it's freshly stained, let's say you spilled some coffee on the fabric sofa bed.
  • Timing is everything. The faster you act, the better your chances are of completely removing the stain.
  • Grab a clean, dry cloth or at least a paper towel, and bolt the area. Blotting helps soak up the spill without spreading it around.
  • Take a clean cloth and dampen it with a homemade cleaning solution or a fabric cleaner, and work your way to clean the stain.

To Treat Old Stains:

Older stains are a bit difficult to remove and need the right approach. There are a few steps to follow:

  • Step 1: Loosen The Stain

If there is any dried-on material, add a few drops of water to moisten the area and lift the dirt.

If the stain is really stubborn, take equal parts vinegar and water and spray it lightly over the stain. Let it sit for about 10 minutes.

  • Step 2: Gently Scrub

Apply a bit of fabric cleaner or a stronger cleaning solution, depending on the stain type.

Next, take a soft-bristled brush and slowly scrub the area. Old stains might need a bit more pressure. But again, don't be too hard. Otherwise, you may damage the fabric.

  • Step 3: Rinse And Repeat

Now rinse the area with a cloth dampened with water to remove any remaining cleaner. If the stain hasn't completely lifted, you might need to repeat the process a couple of times.

  • Step 4: Dry Thoroughly

After treating the stain, leave the treated area to dry. You can also use a clean towel to blot up excess moisture. Let the area air dry completely.

If you have treated a deep stain, turn on the fan or open windows to speed up the drying process.

3. Deep Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

If your sofa bed is looking a little tired and you're longing for a fresh look, deep cleaning is where the magic happens. If you haven't cleaned the sofa for a while or if your sofa stinks, deep cleaning is a must.

To Deep Clean Your Sofa, Follow The Below-Given Steps:

  • Take a cleaning solution. Either use a store-bought fabric cleaner or make your own at home using some homemade solution. For example, mix water with white vinegar or mild dish soap. But avoid oversaturating the fabric.
  • Apply the solution and scrub that area. Lightly spray or dab the cleaning solution onto the fabric. Then, use a soft brush to slowly scrub the fabric. This not only removes the dirt and grime but also the unwanted odor.
  • Wipe it down. After scrubbing, take a clean, dry microfiber cloth and wipe away the extra moisture that's hanging around.

Remember, the goal here is to leave the fabric sofa damp but not soaking wet. If the fabric feels too wet, you can blot it using a dry towel to remove the extra moisture.

4. Odor Removal

Odor Removal

Even after a thorough cleaning, sometimes your sofa bed might still carry some lingering odors. To eliminate this, use baking soda. It's great at absorbing odors. So, the more evenly you spread it, the better it will work.

Sprinkle baking soda generously on your sofa bed’s surface, and let it sit for at least 15 to 30 minutes. If your sofa bed has strong odors, you can consider leaving it for an extended period of time.

Once the baking soda has done its job, it's time to vacuum it up, just like when you vacuumed the sofa earlier to remove dust. Or use a soft brush to clean the residue.

After this step, we believe that your sofa bed will smell fresh and clean, free from any lingering odors. So, these are the basic yet practical steps to follow to keep the sofa looking fresh, clean, and inviting.

How To Clean The Sofa Bed’s Mattress?

How To Clean The Sofa Bed’s Mattress

Remember, we are cleaning a sofa bed, not just the sofa. Well, after cleaning the surface of the sofa, it's time to focus on the mattress. The following has the same steps as the fabric sofa.

1. Mattress Vacuuming

Start by giving the mattress a good vacuum. Vacuum both sides, even if one side is usually hidden away.

2. Spot Cleaning

Now, let's tackle any stains. Just like with sofa fabric, you must approach this part carefully. Try blotting fresh stains right away with a clean cloth—don’t rub it; otherwise, you will push the stain deep inside the fabric.

For stubborn stains, consider using a mild fabric cleaner. If you prefer a DIY solution, a mix of water and a bit of vinegar or dish soap usually does the trick. Dab the cleaning solution on the stain with a cloth and gently work it in, but don’t saturate the mattress. You don’t want it to stay wet for too long.

3. Deodorize The Mattress

Finally, let's make sure the mattress smells as fresh as it looks. This step is necessary only if your mattress is carrying some odors even after cleaning.
Let it sit for at least 15–30 minutes. If needed, you can extend the time. This gives the baking soda a chance to absorb any odors.

Some Quick Fabric Sofa Bed Maintenance Tips Are

  • Rotate the sofa bed's cushions regularly to prevent uneven wear.
  • Use a fabric protector spray if the sofa bed often deals with spills. This spray will add an extra layer of stain resistance.
  • Use a slipcover if you don't use the sofa bed often. This prevents dirt and dust from accumulating. It also protects the fabric from daily wear and tear.
  • Avoid direct sunlight, as it can not only fade the fabric but also damage it. prevent fading and fabric damage.
  • Air out the mattress every few months to keep it fresh, especially if you don't use it often.
  • Spot clean spills immediately to avoid stains setting in.
  • Lubricate the sofa bed mechanism to ensure a smooth conversion of the sofa into a bed.
  • Tighten the screws and bolts often to ensure the sofa bed frame stays sturdy and bears the weight properly.

Closing Notes

We agree that cleaning your fabric sofa bed might not be the most exciting task. But again, we all know that a sofa bed is an investment. So, trust us, it pays off in the long run. You can lounge or sleep on the fabric sofa bed whenever you want. Just make sure you check the label before you start cleaning. We hope this guide was of some help.