Buy Electric Power Sleeper Collection Online

Have you made up your mind to buy a brand new electric sofa bed for your living room to eliminate all the sofa-to-bed conversion drama? The electric sleeper sofa, or sofa bed, features an electric... Have you made up your mind to buy a brand new electric sofa bed for your living room to eliminate all the sofa-to-bed conversion drama? The electric sleeper sofa, or sofa bed, features an electric mechanism that works with just a touch of a button. Unlike traditional or manual sofa beds, where you should adjust the reclining position, headrest, or footrest using a lever or manually, this one does so with a touch of a button. So, investing in a power sofa bed or an electric power sleeper brings luxury, convenience, and comfort without working fingers to bones. All you just need is a push of a button. Plus, these sleepers offer immense comfort with their plush or firm cushions. So, the couch serves as a lounging spot while the bed that comes with a mattress provides a cool service. Looking for one? Feel free to take a quick look at our electric couch bed collections. Read More

      Electric Power Sleeper Sofa

      Are you all about convenience? Planning to buy a brand new electric sleeper sofa for your living room?

      But before that, answer this: did you just think that power sleeper sofas are the same as electric sleeper sofas? Well, let's explain: the sleeper sofa that has a built-in mechanism that lets you adjust the reclining position, headrest, or footrest with a push of a button is a power sleeper sofa.

      An electric sleeper sofa not only has a reclining feature but also includes an electric mechanism to easily convert it into a bed with the touch of a button or remote control. So, investing in an electric power sleeper is the best way to bring luxury and convenience into your home with just a push of a button. 

      These sleepers offer immense comfort with their plush or firm cushions and the best place to read or nap. In short, with effortless transitions between positions and top-notch support, we can say an electric power sleeper is a smart investment in terms of both comfort and modern living. Looking for one? Feel free to take a quick look at our collections.


      1. What exactly is an electric power sleeper sofa?

      An electric power sleeper sofa is simply a sofa cum bed that's powered. This means you don't need to use your hands to pull out the bed. Rather, with just the push of a button, the sofa smoothly converts into a sleeper sofa. So, no more tension about the struggles of converting a sleeper sofa into a bed.

      2. How does the electric mechanism work?

      The electric sleeper sofa features a motorized opening system where the in-built motor is activated with a remote control. So, you don't have to remove cushions, pull a mattress from inside, etc. Simply press a button and watch how beautifully the sleeper sofa converts into a bed within a matter of seconds or under 2 minutes.

      3. Are electric sleeper sofas safe to use daily?

      Electric sleeper sofas are designed with durable materials, aiming to make them bear the daily wear and tear. The motors and mechanisms are built to last, so you can enjoy the electric sleeper sofa, both as a sofa and a bed, as per your wish.

      4. Does an electric sleeper sofa require a lot of maintenance?

      The usual maintenance is fine. With the occasional cleaning and maybe checking the power connections, they are pretty low-maintenance. Just ensure you don't overload the power outlet. Otherwise, you are good to go.

      5. Are electric sleeper sofas comfortable for sleeping?

      You might have assumed that this furniture is like those fold-out beds with that dreaded metal bar. Rest assured that power sleepers are designed with comfort in mind, and perhaps you can expect bed-like comfort. Thanks to the high-quality mattresses that rival regular beds.

      6. Can electric sleeper sofas fit in small spaces?

      This ultimately depends on the sleeper sofa size. Many electric power sleeper sofas come in different sizes, including compact versions. So they can easily fit in smaller spaces like apartments or guest rooms without feeling cramped.